Palmdale Dental Implants
If you have missing teeth that you want to have replaced, you may be thinking about getting dental implants. At our Palmdale Dental Group, patients can get
Palmdale dental implants, as long as they are excellent candidates for the procedure.
When you come to our dental practice to get
Palmdale dental implants, you will be seen by one of our expert dentists, just one of whom is Dr. David Rabizadeh. Dental implants are an extremely popular tooth replacement treatment because they look, feel, and function just like permanent teeth. However, it is important that a patient is a good candidate for getting dental implants, or the dental implant procedure may not be successful. In order to get dental implants, a titanium dental implant root needs to be surgically inserted into your jawbone for each tooth that is going to be replaced. It is important that the jawbone is healthy enough to heal from this type of surgery. The jawbone will also need to be thick enough so that the dental implant root can firmly fuse to the jawbone. It is this fusion process that makes a dental implant such a solid and secure base for the new dental implant tooth. It is also important that the patient does not have any medical conditions which will make it difficult for them to heal from the oral surgery. If a patient does not have these qualifications, it is not likely that the dental implant process will go well, and our dentist will most likely recommend that the patient does not get regular dental implants. At this point, patients can either get a different tooth replacement method at our office, where they can have a bone grafting procedure which will most likely make them an excellent candidate for getting dental implants at our office at a slightly later time.
To visit with one of our expert dentists to see if you are an excellent candidate for getting
Palmdale dental implants, simply contact our office today.
Palmdale Dental Group
1154 E. Palmdale Blvd
Palmdale, CA 93550
(661) 524-0396
By Palmdale Dental Group
September 14, 2017
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